Digital Campaigns
I had the privilege to build a digital campaign for Heineken while serving as the Head of Digital at Capgemini. Heineken reps first had individuals state their point of view on common items in the news including transgenderism, feminism, and global warming. Then, those with opposing views were paired together and had to complete a number of tasks. It was not until all of the tasks had been completed that they were shown the interviews given by their opposite. After they worked together and watched the interviews, the pairs were told they could stay and discuss their differences over a beer, or they could leave.
The video received more than 17.7 million views and had over 138,000 shares and 324,000 engagements on Facebook. Of 22,000 tweets about the ad, 85% were positive. Heineken also received tons of publicity and appeared in over 625 magazine articles, adding legs to the already successful digital campaign. |